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2018 Vol. 26, No. 3  Published: 20 March 2018
An Interpretation of China's Arctic Policy Hot!
2018, 26(3): 1-11  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (3345 KB)  ( 1601 )
Having issued China's Arctic policy, the Chinese government has demonstrated its position, policy and responsibility to participate in Arctic governance and the joint efforts to meet global challenges. The Arctic policy embodies the philosophy of “the shared future of mankind”. Goals and basic principles of China's Arctic policy mainly stem from the basic concepts of Chinese diplomacy, the discretion over the world development trends, the identification of identity and the recognition of primary contradictions of Arctic affairs. As a state geopolitically near the Arctic, China is an important stakeholder in the Arctic affairs. Advantages in diplomacy, economy, technology and market capacity will help China play an active role in maintaining Arctic security, exploiting the Arctic resources sustainably and balancing the interests of the Arctic states and the rest of world.
The Effectivity of Alliance Strategy:Power Transition, Alliance Strategy and Dominance Hot!
YUAN Weihua
2018, 26(3): 12-27  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1463 KB)  ( 2528 )
Alliance was the enduring phenomenon under anarchy and also one of the key issues of studies in the field of international relations. The dominant state in the process of power transition invariably tries to adopt the alliance strategy for maintaining its dominance. In the transition of power, however, the dominant state is faced with stronger structural pressure, and demonstrates greater strategic dependence on allies. Therefore, it becomes much more difficult for the dominant state to manage and control its allies. At the same time, the alliance strategy of dominant state promotes existing alliance network to be more complex which increases the possibility that the dominant state would be drawn into international conflicts. The declining dominant state would progressively lose dominance once a great war breaks out, whether ends with a victory or defeat. The United Kingdom abandoned the policy of Splendid Isolation and turned to the alliance strategy in the early 20th century. The July Crisis in 1914 was a regional conflict between AustriaHungary and Serbia. Nevertheless, the alliance strategy of the United Kingdom neither restricts allies, nor deters rivals. In the context that Russia, France and Germany were gradually involved in crisis, the United Kingdom, which didnt pay much attention to the crisis, could not refrain from being drawn into the conflict, and the World War I seriously weakened the United Kingdom. In the postwar reconstruction, the United Kingdom had no choice but to share dominance with the France and the United States. It turns out that the alliance strategy didnt act effectively in maintaining the dominance of the United Kingdom.
Alliance Politics and Pre-reunification: Theoretical Analysis of the Wedge Strategy on U.S. Security Cooperation with Taiwan Hot!
WANG Xiaohu
2018, 26(3): 39-48  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1916 KB)  ( 1148 )
Compared with the predecessor’s policy towards Taiwan, Trump administration maintains continuation to a certain extent, which not only includes the continuation of specific policy towards Taiwan, but also covers the logic of alliance politics and wedge strategy of the United States. Consequently, U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation has been kept upgrading and deepening. The paper proposes that the U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation is the “Wedge” that drove between Taiwan and Mainland China by the United States. The goal of the U.S. wedge strategy is not limited to impede Mainland China, but more importantly, to achieve the goal of “pre-reunification”, which means to prevent the weakening of U.S. ally system in Asia-Pacific region and to maintain the dominance of U.S. in the East Asia security order. The motivation of U.S. wedge strategy consists of two aspects: on the one hand, according to the conservative alliance logic, the “quasially” role of Taiwan will be gone with the reunification of the mainland and Taiwan, which probably lead to other allies’ doubt of U.S. capability to maintain the security order in the East Asia; on the other hand, if the reunification is realized in the near future, China’s capability of Anti-access/Area-denial (A2/AD) will be highly improved, which might pose a serious threat to the U.S. strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. As a result, the U.S. tries to gain huge strategic interests with the endorsement of wedge strategy. In summary, the paper tries to take a new perspective to study the U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation and widen the application of alliance politics and wedge strategy.
On the Administrative Law Protection of Sea Power Hot!
YI Xifeng,JI Na
2018, 26(3): 66-77  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1777 KB)  ( 1321 )
Western sea power essentially means marine hegemony, while China pursues consistently the sea strategy aimed at peaceful rise. China's sea power is the unity of maritime sovereignty, maritime rights and command of the sea. Worldwide, the legal protection of sea power has undergone a change from military protection to judicial protection and then to administrative protection. Suggestions to perfect law enforcement and protection of sea power for China have been put forward as follows: the sea strategy aimed at peaceful rise can be directly implemented by spreading the new maritime security concept; maritime rights can be directly protected by regular maritime law enforcement; concerted effort can be made by joint actions of maritime law enforcement; legalization of the maritime law enforcement can be realized by strengthening legislation; sea power can be safeguarded by the cross-strait cooperation in maritime law enforcement; and international influence of maritime law enforcement can be strengthened by law enforcement involving foreign affairs.
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