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2015 Vol. 23, No. 3  Published: 20 March 2015
On Global Justice:Analysis of Justice’s Issues &Realization Paths Hot!
YAO Lu,XU Liheng,ZHANG Guotong
2015, 23(3): 1-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 544 )
As justice is greatly impacted by globalization and pursured by global governance , global justice has been an agenda waiting for extention. Three factors which stand in the way of global justice are global anarchy, the binary paradox between global interests and national interests, and the complexity of moral principles in international relations. Based on the three factors, the direction and the path of global justice should be: the “statemarketsociety” threedimensional governance structure which comes from the disappearance of authority brought by globalization will widen the channel of democratization and establish the structural environment of global justice; the reform and innovation of the international regime which was previously dominated by western countries will resolve the conflict between national interests and global interests, facilitate cooperation and preserve global justice. It is the basic principle of global governance to acknowledge differences and incorporate things of diverse nature. Individual justice is both the beginning and the destination of global justice, and the concept of global justice should also rely on a global community of shared destiny.
The Transformation of Alliance:A Conceptual Analysis Hot!
LING Shengli
2015, 23(3): 11-20  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 595 )
After the Cold War, the drawbacks of military alliance gradually emerged, and the theories of alliance uselessness and the end of alliance took place from time to time. But the reality is that military alliance has not become relics. Alliance transformation is the most important reason for its continuation. With transformation, alliance achieves interest recoordination, function resetting, relation adjustment and strategic renegotiation, which keep alliance persisting in changing external and internal conditions. After the Cold War, the United States has pushed the adjustment and transformation of its alliance around the world in order to keep its hegemonic status. NATOs transformation, the readjustment of the AsiaPacific alliance, and the rise of volunteer alliance are typical representations of the great transformation of current world alliance, which provide a great number of case study samples on this topic. Alliance transformation intensifies the fragmentation of Chinas security environment.  China should continue its strategic pattern of partnership without alliance, be ready to take wedge strategy to divide hostile alliance.
An Analysis on the Prospects of Consulting‘the South China Sea Code of Conduct’
ZHOU Shixin
2015, 23(3): 21-30  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 657 )
The consultation on “the South China Sea code of conduct” (COC) between China and the ASEAN countries are still on its way, showing the extreme complexity and sensitivity of the issue. The prominence of the South China Sea issue reflects not only the increasing maritime awareness of regional countries, but also the new changes of the international and regional situation. For a long period of time, many parties, intentionally or not, have given too many displaced missions on the COC, resulting in serious misunderstandings. Therefore, the international community should understand that the COC cannot replace or negate the spirit embedded in the previous documents. In the future, China and the ASEAN countries will encounter some difficult obstacles in the consultation of COC due to the divergent demands and interests of various parties, and all parties should carefully handle the issue through diplomatic channels incrementally.
The Role of U.S. Oil Companies in the South China Sea Dispute
YAN Shuangwu,LI Guoxuan
2015, 23(3): 31-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 544 )
 The competition and cooperation between U.S. multinational oil companies and the U.S. government, their basic advantage and goals determine their ability to intervene in the South China Sea dispute. The attraction of rich oil and gas reserves in the South China Sea, its neighboring countries institutions and U.S. driving forces make U.S. multinational oil companies deeply involved in the South China Sea dispute. U.S. multinational oil companies have not only exacerbated the dispute and gave the claimant countries more space and opportunities to manipulate the issue, but also stimulated them to legalize their vested interests in the South China Sea region and strengthened nonregional countries containment toward China. The constraints of international institutions and these companies dual identity and measurable benefits in China determine the limits of American intervention in the South China Sea dispute.
An Analysis of the Confidence Building Measures between States in Maritime Territorial Disputes——With the Example of the Aegean Dispute between Greece and Turkey Hot!
2015, 23(3): 42-49  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 1329 )
Confidence building measures have been a common useful mechanism to prevent the accidental conflict between countries. Current researches on trust in the field of international relations focus primarily on empirical analysis, while paying little attention to the generative mechanism of mutual trust. This essay summarizes the interactive model and the implementation path of confidence building measures between Greece and Turkey on Aegean issues, then comes out three levels of trust between countries, and provides reference value for China to solve its maritime territorial disputes.
An Analysis of the Space and Path of the Crossstrait Cooperation in the South China Sea Dispute
WANG Yingjin
2015, 23(3): 50-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 657 )
With the heat-up of the sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea, the topic of crossstrait cooperation in the South China Sea  attracts more attention. Historically, Taipei has cooperated with Beijing delicately on the South China Sea issue several times. The common interests of the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, based on the “one China” framework, promote the crossstrait cooperation. Meanwhile, there are a lot of formidable problems in the crossstrait cooperation, which cannot be resolved in a short time. Overall, there are little space for the cooperation between Beijing and Taipei, and the cooperation at the present stage may be limited in some economic, functional and transactional areas.
The Cross-strait Cooperative Plight of the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea——With Focus on the ‘Taipei-Japan Fisheries Agreement and Its Political Influence
LIU Haichao
2015, 23(3): 59-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   [PDF (0 KB)  ( 560 )
In recent years, the tone for crossstrait cooperation in the East China Sea has aroused wide public concern. However, this situation is still facing a lot of practical difficulties. Based on the content of the “TaipeiJapan Fisheries Agreement”, it is easy to understand that Japan has made some compromises on fishery resources in the East China Sea, with the purpose of preventing the coordinated Baodiao Movement. Meanwhile, the fact that Taiwan has indirectly made substantial concessions to Japan on territorial sovereignty issues should not be ignored. The situation has not only made public voice cast doubt upon “sacrifice of sovereignty in exchange for fishing rights”, but also increased the difficulty of subsequent negotiations. In addition, the agreement has significant impacts on the crossstrait cooperation in the East China Sea, such as reducing the possibility of cooperation, compressing the path of cooperation and losing the timing of cooperation.
On the Infeasibility of the Motion of ‘Five Countries and Six Parties in the South China Sea Sovereignty Dispute
LI Long
2015, 23(3): 70-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 624 )
With the intensification of the South China Sea sovereignty dispute, Taiwan put forward the “Five Countries and Six Parties” motion on the basis of the previous “Five Countries and Five Parties” motion in the South China Sea sovereignty dispute, which is basically supported by the four countries have made claims over the South China Sea and the United States. After the “Five Countries and Six Parties” motion is put forward, the Taiwan authorities and some scholars on both sides of the strait agree on it, and actively suggest that the mainland should consider accepting it. In my opinion, in the South China Sea sovereignty dispute, Taiwans “Five Countries and Six Parties” motion is intended to highlight Taiwans subjectivity and its “sovereign state” status, which is not conducive to maintaining the “One China” principle; The four countries support to the “Five Countries and Six Parties” motion is aiming to jointly confront China, which is not conducive to safeguarding Chinas sovereignty of the South China Sea. Therefore, the “Five Countries and Six Parties” motion is not feasible.
The BRICSAdvocated Reform of International Financial System and Its Tendancy toward Power Structure——An Analysis from Realist Constructivism Perspective Hot!
LI An gang,LIU Changmin
2015, 23(3): 79-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 777 )
The 2008 financial crisis deepened many countries misgivings to the unreasonable power distribution of international financial system, and confirmed BRICS countries resolution to reform the structure of international financial system. According to Realist Constructivism, power structure can coordinate game relations of power and identity within the system which means it can constrain Group of Sevens power and keep the recognition of the system so as to maintain its stability and development. Therefore, BRICS needs to enhance its strength as primacy reformer, promote the power transfer from developed economies to emerging economies, and complete the optimum reform, thus realizing the full recovery of world economy.
A Study on Types, Characteristics and Social Effects of Ocean Pollution Incidents
2015, 23(3): 87-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 600 )
In order to deepen the study of marine pollution incidents, it is necessary to analyze its basic types, major characteristics and social effects. Based on the classification, this paper makes investigation on the basic features of marine pollution incidents, which are rooted in modernity, increasing occurrence frequency and comprehensive effects. As for the social effects, public health damage, environmental struggle, social panic, social instability and affected international relations are the main dimension. The key of ocean environmental governance lies in coordination of ocean development and environmental governance, comprehensive arrangement of environmental governance and system construction.
A Study of Translation Strategy of Chinese Political Language under the Frame of Political Equivalence Theory——Taking the Example of Xi Jinpings Speeches on Ocean Diplomacy
LI Meihan,DUAN Cheng
2015, 23(3): 97-  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 626 )
The theory of Political Equivalence is based on Nidas Functional Equivalence which is particularly applicable to the diplomatic translation. As “the second voice” of the national policy, the accuracy and political nature of diplomatese must be ensured. Over the years, China has paid more attention into marine diplomacy which means the Landbased Regional diplomatic formation has been subverted. This paper will study President Xi Jinpings marine diplomatic policy translation strategy through his speeches and the interpretation on APEC 2014 under the guidance of Political Equivalence theory.
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