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Pacific Journal 2024 Vol. 32, No. 10 Published: 28 October 2024
On the Direction and Ways of Regional and Country Studies in Serving National Strategies
YANG Jiemian
2024 Vol. 32 (10): 1-9
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Abstract:In recent years, the role of regional and country studies in serving national strategies has become increasingly significant, and therefore it is necessary to conduct indepth discussions on the service directions and main approaches. Based on the connotation of national strategy and its core position in national security and development, this article comprehensively analyzes the construction goals and functional positioning of regional and country studies from the three dimensions of country, field and discipline. From a national level, regional and country studies should give full play to their characteristics and provide strategic consultation, experience summaries and development plans for Chinas modernization drive; from a field level, regional and country studies should make use of their professional advantages to build China a strong country in education, make contributions in key areas such as major country diplomacy and international communication; from a disciplinary perspective, regional and country studies should pay attention to independent theoretical construction, clarify guiding ideology, deepen theoretical systems, strengthen strategic thinking, and actively carry out international academic exchanges. Finally, this article emphasizes that regional and country studies must be problemoriented, improve the ability to discover, analyze and solve problems, use theoretical innovation to better cope with complex international situations, and help achieve national strategic goals.
Regionalism over the Past 70 Years: Theoretical Evolution and Its Relevance to International Political Economy
CHEN Shaofeng
2024 Vol. 32 (10): 10-27
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Abstract:Although studies on regionalism are an indispensable component of international political economy (IPE), there is still a lack of clear understanding of the theoretical evolution of regionalism and its relevance to IPE. From the angles of central topics, major research paradigms and research approach, the paper intends to explore the internal logic and major development of the research on regionalism over the past 70 years, expounding its theoretical relations with IPE and its future development direction. This study shows that the studies on regionalism generally follow the major skeletons of IPE. Some research questions on regionalism conforms to the major themes of the three generations of IPE. In terms of research paradigms and research approach, it has transitioned from the old regionalisms focus on a single variable, namely power/interest and institution, to the new regionalisms combined analysis of the two variables, and then to the comparative regionalisms compromise of different research paradigms, which has laid emphasis on cognition, ideas and culture. This generational change is in line with the internal logic of the three generations of the IPE development. With the resurgence of global geopolitics, future studies on regionalism will continue the combination of different research paradigms, focusing more on comparative regionalism, weaponisation of regional integration institutions, deintegration, as well as interactions among regional integration, technologic competition, industrial chain restructuring, and national security.
Environmental Issues in the AsiaPacific Region: Theoretical Foundation, Securitization and Driving Forces of Cooperation
LI Jianfu
2024 Vol. 32 (10): 28-41
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Abstract:In the AsiaPacific region, there are concrete environmental problems such as climate change, marine environmental destruction, and peatland transformation. AsianPacific countries apply different methods to securitize these environmental problems as respective policy targets. The developed countries promote their geopolitical security strategies while the developing countries achieve the goals of concrete developmental strategies. The interactive relationship between environment, security, and development can serve as the solid theoretical foundation for resolving these three major environmental problems in the AsiaPacific region. The relationship between environmental protection and development is dialectically unified and complementary to each other. And from the national perspective, AsianPacific countries should take great efforts on economic development and environmental protection to move towards a better resolution. From the international perspective, developed countries should actively support developing countries with the adherence to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” to realize the interaction between environmental protection and sustainable development. Therefore, four dynamics are involved in the process of environmental security governance: 1) the development and engagement of China in the environmental security governance; 2) the support of developed countries providing economic vitality for environmental security governance; 3) the cooperative partnerships between AsianPacific countries building a sense of principle for environmental security governance; and 4) the consensus of the blue economy guaranteeing common interests in environmental security governance. These different strategic priorities for environment, security, and development determine the different goals of AsianPacific countries. However, the focus of all parties should be on developing the blue economy, while the effective means should be the construction of environmental agreements and regulations for the foundations of promotion of the cooperative partnerships. This leads to solutions to sustainable development of all AsianPacific countries. This is the continuous debate regarding the issues of environment, security, and development.
How Can the Global South Overcome the Dilemma of Collective Rise? The Analysis of International Symbiosis Theory and the Belt and Road Initiative
LIU Yang, LI Yibin
2024 Vol. 32 (10): 42-53
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Abstract:As the collective rise of the Global South emerges, it faces theoretical, institutional and development dilemma. Theoretical dilemma leads to the lack of local perspective in the study of Global South issues, and the legitimacy of collective rise is difficult to be recognized. The institutional dilemma leads to the weakness of the international institutional power of the Global South, while it is difficult to effectively exert international influence. The development dilemma leads to the lowend lockin of the global industrial chain and value chain of Global South, while it is difficult to fully activate its development potential. The Western myth at the theoretical level and the internal and external difficulties at the practical level are the main reasons for the formation and deepening of the dilemma of the collective rise of Global South. As a member of the Global South, China has both the willingness and the ability to help the Global South overcome the corresponding dilemma. In theory, the international symbiosis theory of the Chinese school helps to break the Western myth that emphasizes confrontation and conflict, strengthen the legitimacy of the collective rise of Global South, and promote the realization of equal and orderly multipolar world. In practice, the Belt and Road Initiative can effectively enhance the institutional power of the Global South, and fully activate the economic development of the Global South, helping the Global South to achieve strategic autonomy in development, enhance its independent development capabilities and equally enjoy the fruits of development. Certainly, the application of the theory of international symbiosis and the Belt and Road Initiative to the collective rise of the Global South is still in the exploratory stage, and deep integration still needs to be continuously polished and improved in practice.
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