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2024 Vol. 32, No. 8  Published: 28 August 2024
Politics and Law
Geopolitics and Contemporary Realist Theories Hot!
WU Zhengyu, YANG Yusen
2024, 32(8): 1-12  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (997 KB)  ( 247 )
This paper seeks to examine theoretical connections between geopolitics and contemporary realist theories. The author argues that the disengagement of geopolitics and contemporary realist theories was caused by the perceived connections between geopolitics and Nazi Germany’s expansion, and the scientific reorientation of the realist theories in the postwar era. The realist nature of the geopolitics was determined by three hardcore assumptions that it shares with the contemporary realist theories. These theoretical assumptions are acknowledged to be the trademark of any realist theories. The author contends that both geopolitics and contemporary realist theories have constructed theories of international relations around principle of the balance of power. However, there are qualitative distinctions between these two kinds of balance of power theory. Geopolitics, in essence, is a peculiar realist international theory between the balance of power and the hegemonic realist theories. Compared to structural realist theories, it has two distinctive analytic characteristics, namely, holistic and dynamic approaches. These characteristics also indicate the endurability of geopolitics.
Building a Strong Maritime Country
Development of Equipment Technology for Exploitation of Marine Mineral Resources Hot!
2024, 32(8): 62-75  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (945 KB)  ( 411 )
With the rapid development of global strategic emerging industries, the demand for critical minerals such as cobalt, nickel, manganese and lithium has soared, rendering deepsea mineral resources of significant exploitation value. Simultaneously, the exploitation of seabed mineral resources will drive the advancement of deepsea technology and industry to a higher level, enhancing a countrys marine development and exploration capabilities. This paper delves into the progress of global deepsea mineral resource exploitation, with a particular focus on the pivotal role of equipment technology in this process. Since the 1960s, developed countries have made continuous breakthroughs in the management systems, exploration equipment, development platforms, and mining operation equipment for deepsea mineral resources, thereby strengthening their management systems of ocean affairs and developing seabed drilling technology, deepsea mining platform technology, and technology of environmental impact assessment. Some countries have already completed multiple offshore mining tests, demonstrating their ability to lead the formulation of international seabed mining standards and rules. China has rapidly improved its administrative management capabilities and the level of legal construction related to seabed resource development since the 1990s, actively participating in the exploration and application for international seabed mining areas. Since the 12th FiveYear Plan period, China has successively completed the individual tests of mining vehicles ranging from 500 meters to 4000 meters in sea trials, laying a solid foundation for the next stage of work. However, compared with foreign developed countries, China remains behind them because it has inadequate fundamental research, limited capabilities for verification and research and development (R&D) of core technological equipment, a lack of independent R&D capabilities for key components, the absence of fullsystem joint sea trials and commercial mining solutions, and the lag in the R&D of environmentally friendly equipment and environmental assessments. Having seen the upcoming era of deepsea mining, China should strengthen strategic research on the exploitation of deepsea mineral resources, intensify technological innovation, accelerate the development of a technological system for deepsea mining equipment, foster a hightech equipment industry for deepsea exploration, and expand Chinas interests in deepsea activities.
The Evolution, Root Causes and Responses of the International Communitys Opposition to DeepSea Mining Hot!
LI Xuewei, LI Jiaxing
2024, 32(8): 76-89  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1031 KB)  ( 307 )
As the deepsea mining industry has entered a critical stage, the differences in positions on deepsea mining have become prominent, forming different positions such as development promotion, environmental protection supremacy, development waitandsee faction and development hegemony. After an initial and proliferating phase, the opposition to deepsea mining began to expand its influence in the International Seabed Authority. Due to the factors such as insufficient understanding of the ecological environment, divergence of selfinterest, and geopolitical awareness, environmental protection supremacy has a negative attitude towards deepsea development, calling for a preventive moratorium, suspension and/or ban on deepsea mining, and obstructing the advancement of deepsea development within the International Seabed Authority, affecting the orderly introduction of laws and regulations related to deepsea resource exploitation, and intensifying the international seabed strategic game. The international community should enhance cooperation and research in the field of deepsea science, develop green mining technologies, enhance the capacity of developing countries to participate in international seabed affairs, promote the negotiation of deepsea mining regulations, and build partnerships for deepsea mining, so as to maintain a peaceful, stable and benefitsharing international seabed order. As a supporter of deepsea mining, China should continue to improve its deepsea development capabilities, enhance its influence in the International Seabed Authority, and become a leader and contributor to international seabed affairs.
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