Abstract As the deepsea mining industry has entered a critical stage, the differences in positions on deepsea mining have become prominent, forming different positions such as development promotion, environmental protection supremacy, development waitandsee faction and development hegemony. After an initial and proliferating phase, the opposition to deepsea mining began to expand its influence in the International Seabed Authority. Due to the factors such as insufficient understanding of the ecological environment, divergence of selfinterest, and geopolitical awareness, environmental protection supremacy has a negative attitude towards deepsea development, calling for a preventive moratorium, suspension and/or ban on deepsea mining, and obstructing the advancement of deepsea development within the International Seabed Authority, affecting the orderly introduction of laws and regulations related to deepsea resource exploitation, and intensifying the international seabed strategic game. The international community should enhance cooperation and research in the field of deepsea science, develop green mining technologies, enhance the capacity of developing countries to participate in international seabed affairs, promote the negotiation of deepsea mining regulations, and build partnerships for deepsea mining, so as to maintain a peaceful, stable and benefitsharing international seabed order. As a supporter of deepsea mining, China should continue to improve its deepsea development capabilities, enhance its influence in the International Seabed Authority, and become a leader and contributor to international seabed affairs.