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2017 Vol. 25, No. 1  Published: 20 January 2017
The Evolution of Currency Hot!
WANG Xiangsui
2017, 25(1): 1-15  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1027 KB)  ( 1332 )
Currency-rim, a longstanding while persistently neglected social phenomenon, is the social relationship resulted from exchange of currency. With the expansion of capitalist world system, currency-rim has emerged as the political relationships among nations, focusing on the international monetary system. The worldwide currency-rim, having developed through different phases, is the product of the capitalist system.Currency-rim has been the key factor that leverages globe politics and economy, even influences the whole international society in the contemporary era of financial globalization. The construction of community around the currency-rim circle is actually   transforming the situation that a single power dominates the word order, which paves the way to the evolution of new-type globalization.
A Commentary on Issues of Jurisdiction over the Historic Rights Submissions in the South China Sea Arbitration
2017, 25(1): 16-27  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1016 KB)  ( 1231 )
The tribunal which handled the South China Sea Arbitration has decided that it has jurisdiction over submissions on historic rights and that China's historic rights claim goes against international laws including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). By examining the 2015 and 2016 awards, this essay questions and comments on the jurisdiction of the tribunal from three perspectives, and concludes that: the evidence referred to in the two awards are insufficient to attest a genuine dispute over historic rights between China and the Philippines; even if there is such a dispute, it should not be characterized as one concerning the interpretation and application of UNCLOS; furthermore, such a dispute concerning maritime delimitation is legally excluded from the scope of jurisdiction by China's written statement in 2006 under article 298 of UNCLOS.
Geo-strategy: Analytical Domains and Core Propositions Hot!
WU Zhengyu
2017, 25(1): 28-39  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1065 KB)  ( 855 )
This article aims to analyze and elaborate the analytical domains and related strategic propositions of Geo-strategy, and argues its significance in the study of strategy. The author proposes that,as a particular theory of grand strategy, Geo-strategy actually consists of two kinds of analytical domains:one is defined in terms of geographic locations and attached strategic orientations: the leading maritime power, the heartland powers and the rimland powers; the other from the perspective of material power: sea power, land power, air power, space power and cyberspace power. This article presents that the core domain of Geo-strategy is composed of the leading maritime power, the heartland powers, the rimland powers, and a minor domain of peninsula powers should also be contained. The Geo-strategy, as a theory of grand strategy, is made up of a series of strategic propositions related to aforementioned three types of major powers.
The Baltic Inflection Point in the  "Double-clamp" Offensive Deployment of NATO
2017, 25(1): 41-47  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (961 KB)  ( 1374 )
Warsaw Summit further aggravated the military confrontation between NATO and Russia. After the Ukraine Crisis, NATO sent army in Baltic and Black Sea, posturing the “double clamp” offensive deployment.“north clamp” focuses on guarding Arctic region, including Barents and Baltic. “south clamp”focuses on defending allies surrounding Balkans-Black Sea. NATO is short in power to support Baltic states, and lacks credibility and capability to settle threats posed by Russian “anti-access/ area denial”system. Nowadays, NATO, being confronted with great military pressures from Russia, has taken a series of measures to cut down the strategic gap in Baltic area. Baltic area actually makes the loophole of NATO's enlargement, which could also be the idealized location for Russia to break the encirclement set up by NATO.
Mainstream Cognitions of the Western Academia of International Relations on Sino-American Relations in the Post-Cold War Era Hot!
SHI Dongming
2017, 25(1): 48-58  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1045 KB)  ( 1377 )
The paper classifies and analyses mainstream views on Sino-American relations in the Post-Cold War Era in the Western Academia of International Relations based on theories of realism and liberalism, the two leading theoretical paradigms of international relations. In terms of cognitive attitude, the paradigms of realism and liberalism can respectively be classified into positive and negative opinions, forming four types of opinions (realism positive opinion, realism negative opinion, liberalism positive opinion, liberalism negative opinion). All of the four different types of opinions, having both rationalities and deficiencies, influence US' policy toward China to different degrees. Some Western researchers inevitably hold bias and misunderstanding to China due to their Western viewpoint and interests.
Revisiting Ancient Silk Roads: Origin and Evolution Hot!
FU Mengzi
2017, 25(1): 59-74  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1068 KB)  ( 3614 )
The historical literature on the Ancient Silk Roads, which spans a long period of time, traverses vast expanses of territories and exerts far-reaching influences,is rich and bountiful. In an attempt to re-examine the Ancient Silk Roads mainly from a Chinese perspective, this paper tries to clarify geographic reach of the continental and maritime Silk Roads as well as related theoretical concepts, and provide a complementary analysis of the historical routes of the Ancient Silk Roads. It also explores the origin and evolution of the land and maritime Silk Roads,and the historical contexts in which they were used discontinuously,simultaneously or alternatively.
A Study of International Law on Regulation of Navigation in Polar Waters
LI Weifang HUANG Yan
2017, 25(1): 75-84  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (991 KB)  ( 1677 )
In order to guarantee safety of polar navigation and protect fragile ecological environment in polar areas, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has initiated legislation applicable to navigation in polar waters since the beginning of this century. The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters taken effect on January 1, 2017, the first ever international mandatory code with application scope in both the Arctic and the Antarctic waters, is regarded as a milestone in polar waters shipping governance. The code strengthens the compliance obligations of flag states with regard to polar ship certification, ship⁃building standards and environmental protection responsibilities, which will have a profound impact on the global shipping business and the governance mechanism of Arctic marine area. As a category A member of IMO council, China shall participate in governance over polar shipping actively, as well as focus on domestic implementation of international regulations.
21st-Century Maritime Silk Road: Material Flow Analysis, Strategic Pivot Selection and Spatial Distribution Hot!
LI Dahai SUN Yang HAN Limin
2017, 25(1): 85-97  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (4317 KB)  ( 1068 )
The strategic pivot area refers to the place contributing to the smooth and prosperous function of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. Based on empirical analysis of China's foreign trade on sea, this study identifies main channels and key waterways of Maritime Silk Road, and researches the foundations, shortcomings, as well as risks in the establishment of strategic pivots. Given conditions of geopolitics and international relations, the study puts forward plan for the strategic layout to develop strategy passages, and proposes policy related recommendations for the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.
2017, 25(1): 98-100  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1628 KB)  ( 771 )
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