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2017 Vol. 25, No. 8  Published: 21 August 2017
The Nature of Geopolitics and Its Application in China Hot!
2017, 25(8): 1-14  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (2053 KB)  ( 2502 )
There is a huge difference of understanding of geopolitics between scholars and politicians. The scholars pay due attention to and can properly deal with the geographical relationships between points and planes. However, once such an advantage of scholars has been overemphasized, it becomes a disadvantage. Those theoretically strategic pivots proposed by the scholars have become temptations for which countries are struggling to compete for land. A predicable result is that battle stages are extended, national resources are over-consumed, and the nation is prone to decline. Essentially, geopolitics is the discipline that concentrates on the rehabilitation of countries and peaceful development around the world, the core of which depends on a correct understanding of the coordination between national objectives and resources in a specific geographic space, and excellent politicians, rather than scholars, have done a better job in such a perspective. As for China, the nation should keep a balanced development in all the strategic directions. Considering geopolitical features of Asia, Chinas national interest should be expanded following the principles of “safeguard state sovereignty, ensure domestic regime security, maintain a balanced power structure in the surrounding areas and keep a balanced global interest”.
A Research on the Spatialtemporal Development of Geopolitical Pattern in Southeast Asia Hot!
QIN Qi,CHENG Shengkui
2017, 25(8): 15-26  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1882 KB)  ( 1361 )
In the research, vicissitudes of the internal and external geobodies are clarified, and the specific forms of georelations among geobodies and their impacts on the region are also identified. Based on the above analysis, the research divides the development of geopolitical pattern in Southeast Asia before the end of Cold War into five sections, i.e. the earlyancient age, the midancient age, the laterancient age, the modern age and the contemporary age. This paper argues that there are mainly two influencing factors of the evolution of geopolitical pattern in Southeast Asia. One is the particularity of Southeast Asian geography, and the other is the intervention of extraterritorial geobodies: (1) There is a significant geographical distinction between continent and ocean in the Southeast Asia, and this shapes a difference between geopolitical patterns of the two parts. The special geographical conditions have led to fragmentation of political construction in Southeast Asia, and the openness of the ocean makes it easy for nations in Southeast Asia to communicate with the outside world. Therefore, Southeast Asia is vulnerable to intervention of extraterritorial geobodies. (2) The extraterritorial geobodies that influence the evolution of geopolitical pattern in Southeast Asia can be divided into two groups. Some are the neighboring nations, of which the influences on Southeast Asia are stable, and their own vicissitudes shape profoundly the evolution of geopolitical pattern in Southeast Asia. The others are global powers in different historical periods, and these powers exerted great influences on Southeast Asia successively. However, these influences were not continuous, which degraded with the decline of their powers.
Mandalic System: Study on the Regional Order of Ancient Southeast Asia
Lv Zhengang
2017, 25(8): 27-39  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (4776 KB)  ( 3580 )
In the ancient East Asia, the Tributary system is not the only regional system, and there is an independent Mandalic system in Southeast Asia. The concept of world order of the Mandalic system is influenced by Hinduism-Buddhist culture and the political philosophy of India. The Mandalic system can be divided into three layers, the core circle, control circle and tributary circle. There are different patterns of interaction in different circles, and the war mainly occurs between different cores of Mandalic system and between the core and tributary circle. Three typical characteristics of the Mandalic system are: the particularity, variability and diversity of the core, the prevalence of double or multiple tributary relations and the mobility of circles within the system. The Mandalic system is neither subject to, nor a part of the Tributary system. However, for the fact that the two systems have employed a common form to pay tribute, China is regarded as a Mandala core, and the regional order concepts of the two systems complement each other. The two systems, to a certain extent, coexist harmoniously.
The Critical Date in the Perspective of International Judicial and Arbitral Practice
SHU Zhenya,LI Zhiwen
2017, 25(8): 40-50  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1890 KB)  ( 679 )
The critical date has been gradually introduced and applied in practice since the 1920s. The critical date means that all the substantive facts relating to a dispute have occurred and that what happens after the critical date cannot change the existing situation on the critical date. The rights of the parties also depend on the situation on the critical date. The crux of the critical date is how to make a proper determination. The core role of the critical date is that it has an important impact on the admissibility and probative force of the evidence. The practice of the critical date in international judicial and arbitral proceedings is of great significance for China to safeguard Chinas sovereignty over her islands.
The International Legal Basis of China's Participation in the Governance of Arctic Shipping
TANG Yao,XIA Liping
2017, 25(8): 51-61  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1869 KB)  ( 1629 )
The melting of the Arctic sea ice actually gives rise to the Arctic Passages’ open to navigation. However, the use of Arctic passages also leads to corresponding demand for governance. As a maritime power in the world, China enjoys its rights in the Arctic that involves navigation, security assurance and environmental protection, as well as search and rescue. The international laws such as United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters provide legal basis for Chinas participation. The focus of existing international legal basis is on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which demonstrates characteristics of a shift from soft law to hard law and the regionalization of global treaty. Therefore, China can make full use of related international legal basis by many ways such as strengthening cooperation with Arctic states and promoting the ability of fulfilling agreements, thus actively participate in the governance of Arctic shipping.
The Internal Logic and Development Orientation of Chinese Marine Culture Hot!
HONG Gang,HONG Xiaonan
2017, 25(8): 62-72  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1883 KB)  ( 1655 )
The analysis of the internal logic and development orientation of Chinese marine culture demonstrates the theoretical demand for the unification of epistemology, values and theory of practice of Chinese marine culture. The internal logic of Chinese marine culture is manifested in three dimensions: historical consciousness, subject consciousness and consciousness of value orientation. An analysis of historical value shows that Chinas marine culture has a consistent historical continuity, which is filled with the spirit of eliminating absolute enemies, highlighting the deep and profound connotation. These historical conditions and realities determine the development orientation of contemporary Chinese marine culture: aim for the reality and sustain the marine cultural construction that advances with the times; aim for the world and create an inclusive marine culture; aim for the future and take on the marine cultural responsibility of comprehensive innovation.
A Study on the Framework of Balance Sheet of Marine Biological Resources
FU Xiumei,SU Lirong,WANG Xiaoyu
2017, 25(8): 94-104  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (1856 KB)  ( 1106 )
The establishment of the balance sheet of marine biological resources, an important component of marine resources, is an important part of the capitalization management of marine resources in our country. This study reviews the history and progress of researches on natural resources balance sheet at home and abroad, and elaborates on the theoretical basis and principles of compiling the balance sheet. Furthermore, this study clarifies several concepts involved in the balance sheet, such as the accounting subjects, accounting elements and accounting periods. It proposes that three steps should be followed in the establishment of balance sheet of marine biological resources. On this basis, the present study designs the framework of marine biological resources assets and liabilities. Then it proposes a technical framework for the preparation of marine biological resources balance sheets by synthesizing the marine biological resources assets and liabilities accounts. The purpose of this study is to promote the formation and development of Chinas renewable resources balance sheet reporting technique.
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