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2017 Vol. 25, No. 7  Published: 20 July 2017
Why China Is Not A Contender?SinoAmerican Relationship from the Perspective of Power Transition Theory Hot!
2017, 25(7): 1-8  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (979 KB)  ( 590 )
The power transition theory suggests that there is an inevitable conflict between the rising great power and the hegemon when its power approaches that of the hegemon, and thus becomes more aggressive in weighing up the gains and losses of challenging the existing system of international institutions, being dissatisfied with the existing system. Based on this theory, the article analyzes two basic standards of contender: power discrepancy and dissatisfaction with the institutional system. The comprehensive strength of a contender should be more than 80% of the hegemonic power, and the contender wants to change the status quo. The article then discusses why China is not a contender, since China, being a beneficiary of the existing institutional system, is still much weaker than America. China should maintain the cooperative relationship with the hegemon, aiming to get more decision power rather than change the institutional rules.
Research Focuses of Chinas Emerging Marine Industry: Evidence from CNKI in 1992—2016
NING Ling, OU Chunyao
2017, 25(7): 44-53  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (3099 KB)  ( 1003 )
Marine emerging industry is an important research field of marine science and technology innovation and marine economic development. Since the beginning of the new century, domestic research literature has increased, mainly concentrates on policy guidance, structural distribution, and selective cultivation in the category of regional economy and the comprehensive marine management, while there is a lack of systematic analyses of characteristics of relevant researches on Chinas emerging marine industry from the macro perspective. It is the premise to promote the theoretical development of Chinas marine industry innovation and development to make an objective review of the new marine industries based on existing literature. With the help of the visualization tool of CiteSpace III and Excel, Chinas marine industries research characteristics are analyzed based on documents and data of the last 25 years.
Study on the Cooperation between Government and Fishermen in Fishing Rights Protection in the South China Sea
ZHANG Yuqiang
2017, 25(7): 63-74  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 507 )
The government and fishermen cooperate with each other in the South China Sea (the governmentfishermen cooperation) in order to achieve the common subject of protecting the fishery right. The cooperation between fishermen and the government reflects a kind of administrative cooperation method which will effectively solve the problem of inadequate power of the government as the single subject, unify economic development and political demands in the South China Sea, and demonstrate China’s determination and strength to safeguard fishery rights in the South China Sea. At present, the development of the South China Sea islands, the acceleration of fishery production, the implementation of the fishery system and the prevention of both illegal fishing behaviors and the South China Sea disputes, are the practical reflection of the cooperation between government and fishermen. However, the high cost of fishing in the South China Sea, the unequal status of both sides, the relatively low quality of fishermen, poor law enforcement power of government and limited role of nongovernmental fishery organizations seriously restrict the development of cooperation between government and fishermen. We should solve this problem by fostering the concept of cooperation, improving cooperative ability and level, reducing the cost and risk of cooperative behavior and taking full advantage of fishery cooperative organizations to promote the process of cooperation between government and fishermen.
When Democracy Meets Public Opinion: People’s Democratic Value in Taiwan—An Analysis of Conceptions of Democratic Value and Understanding Hot!
YU Hongbo WU Hsinche
2017, 25(7): 87-95  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF (999 KB)  ( 1018 )
Based on the results of Asian Barometer Survey conducting in Taiwan in 2010 and 2014, this paper indicates that although the public recognition of democratic value in Taiwan presents obvious differences in the internal dimension, the overall value is stable. Regarding the understanding of democracy, there is no obvious public support of procedural democracy over substantive democracy in Taiwan. Although almost 70% Taiwanese demonstrate their attachment to democratic values, they emphasize governance performance and social equality when mentioning democratic understanding. The result suggests that the belief of democratic values does not necessarily mean the rejection of substantive democracy in Taiwan. Therefore, leaders in Taiwan could lose major public support if they do damage to public interest or evade inadequate governance capacity with the disguise of the so-called “democratic principle” and “the public opinion”.
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