Abstract:Due to the appearance of new pattern of Sino-Japan relations and the stimulation of American Asia-Pacific policy since 2009, Japan has constantly disturbed China’s legal development of oil and gas in the west of “the Equidistance Line” so as to create a false impression in international community that it is disputable concerning the maritime area in the west of “the Equidistance Line”. The purposes of Japan’s attempts to dispute the maritime area in “the Equidistance Line” lie in compelling China to accept Japanese claim of “the Equidistance Line” and coordinating with Japan’s policy on Diaoyu Islands. The measures taken by Japan are untenable according to international law, but still have made a negative influence on China in fact, including interfering China’s normal petroleum development, aggravating the tense situation in East China Sea, and disguising disputes in the east of “the Equidistance Line”.
董世杰. 剖析日本蓄意在东海“中间线”以西海域挑起争议的划界图谋[J]. 太平洋学报, 2017, 25(11): 69-82.
DONG Shijie. Analyzing Japan’s Scheme of Deliberately Provoking Maritime Disputes in the West of “the Equidistance Line” in the East China Sea. 太平洋学报, 2017, 25(11): 69-82.