Abstract:British “continental balance of power”policy and U.S. rebalancing strategy not only refer to the common origins, but also have many different elements. From the point of geopolitics, the British intends to control the European continent through sea power; the US attempts to hold the Asia-Pacific area with its rebalancing. From the point of the goal of their strategies, the British intends to maintain its own security;on the other hand,the US intends to keep its leading role in the area. From the point of the means of balancing, Great Britain mainly adopts military means; the US uses military, economic and various other means such as “rules”. Compared to UK, U.S. balance strategy presents new characteristics. According to these characteristics, China should determine the basic ideas of counter-balance: make flexible counters according to different objects, grasp the scale of counter-measures, and seek cooperations in competition.
杨鸿柳,杨守明. 英美均势战略的比较与中国应对制衡的思考[J]. 太平洋学报, 2015, 23(1): 58-.
YANG Hongliu,YANG Shouming. The Reflection of the Comparison of American and British Balance Strategy and Chinas Counter Strategies. , 2015, 23(1): 58-.