A Study on the International Legal Systems of Adaption to the Climate Change by Using Traditional Knowledge and the Countermeasures of China under the Framework of Three Rio Conventions |
East China University of Science and Technology |
Abstract Climate change is one of the hottest research fields in the recent international community. The adaptation and mitigation of climate change can not only complement each other, but also can reduce the risk of climate change together. The traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change, which was accumulated in the process of the survival and development by indigenous people during thousands of years, has gradually become the important resources in the strategies of climate adaptation. The three Rio Conventions, though not defined the mechanism of using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change, it has laid the institutional basis to ensure the use of traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change. It is an effective path of using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change by improving the international and domestic decision-making system, respecting and trusting in the role of traditional knowledge, building a traditional knowledge exchange platform, a technical support service system, and an innovative financing system.