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2016 Vol. 24, No. 10 Published: 28 October 2016
A Study on the International Legal Systems of Adaption to the Climate Change by Using Traditional Knowledge and the Countermeasures of China under the Framework of Three Rio Conventions
2016, 24(10): 1-8 | Full text
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Climate change is one of the hottest research fields in the recent international community. The adaptation and mitigation of climate change can not only complement each other, but also can reduce the risk of climate change together. The traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change, which was accumulated in the process of the survival and development by indigenous people during thousands of years, has gradually become the important resources in the strategies of climate adaptation. The three Rio Conventions, though not defined the mechanism of using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change, it has laid the institutional basis to ensure the use of traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change. It is an effective path of using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change by improving the international and domestic decision-making system, respecting and trusting in the role of traditional knowledge, building a traditional knowledge exchange platform, a technical support service system, and an innovative financing system.
The Progress and Viewpoints on the Development of the Regulations for Mineral Exploitation in the Area
HE Zongyu, LIN Jinggao, YANG Baohua, LIU Shaojun
2016, 24(10): 9-17 | Full text
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There are two issues needed to be solved in the formulation of regulations on mineral exploitation in the international seabed area (Area): constructing commercial exploration mode under “Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind” and “ensuring effective protection of ocean environment”. International Seabed Authority (ISA) began to formulate regulations on mineral exploitation in the Area in 2012, the stakeholders have put forward their own proposals and suggestions. Potential exploitation parties believed impacts of deep-sea mining on environment is lower than that of land mining, therefore they insisted utilizing low tax rate to encourage the exploitation. Environment protection parties suggested deep-sea mining may seriously destroy ocean environment and thus advocated strict mandatory standard of supervision and compensation. China proposed two principles: balance between resources utilization and environment protection, balance between commercial exploration and sustainable development. Positive reply has been made for formulating regulations to maintain the rights and interests of our country.
Advancing “One Belt, One Road” in Jokowi’s Indonesia: How to Cope with the Political Challenges
ZHOU Yuyuan
2016, 24(10): 18-29 | Full text
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Indonesia is an important partner country of “One Belt,One Road”(OBOR) initiated by China, and China is an important external country for Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) Administration to promote economic reform and set up development agenda. This reality establishes a strong foundation for strategic linkage between China and Indonesia. Nowadays China has given great importance to Jokowi government in advancing OBOR in Indonesia. However, observing from the performance over the past years, Jokowi is still confronted with a tough political environment. The structural obstacles for Jokowi on economic reform including the traditional Oligarchic Politics, the parliament with a major the Opposite, and the difficulties of implementing national policy by local government resulting from decentralization. As a result, the biggest problem for Jokowi is how to transform the promises and initiatives to implementation on the ground. So it is of great importance that China must realize this issue and has a better knowledge of the challenges when advancing OBOR in Indonesia.
The Ecological Turn of China’s Maritime Culture and Its Discourse
ZHU Jianjun
2016, 24(10): 80-91 | Full text
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Based on the analysis of humanocean relationship,this article argues that mankinds maritime culture has experienced three updated versions in history, while Chinas current construction of marine ecological civilization, as the newest achievement embodying a tendency of ecological turn of maritime culture worldwide, intrinsically points to and calls for a systemic ecological turn of Chinese maritime culture, thereby implies a historic moment for version upgrading. The ecological turn therefore should be consciously promoted towards an upgraded version of maritime culture that orients on harmonious humanocean relationship, being mutually compatible and supportive with the marine ecological civilization. At present its essential to solve the problem of insufficient ecological attention and social mobilization power with Chinese maritime cultural discourse. The discourse could be upgraded through four creative paths and the upgraded discourse should find its effective expressions in various discourse fields. This will consequently not only boost the construction of marine ecological civilization and the contemporary development of maritime culture, but also contribute to China's image as a sea power and the international spread of Chinese maritime culture.
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