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2019 Vol. 27, No. 10  Published: 30 October 2019
China's Contributions to the World in the Past 70 Years Hot!
LIU Jianfei
2019, 27(10): 1-9  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   [PDF (0 KB)  ( 324 )
The article concludes China's contributions to the world in the past 70 years since the PRC's founding in 1949 from different angles. China's contributions are mainly reflected in the following five aspects. First of all, China provides an effective national development model and governance model for the world, which is the most irreplaceable contribution whose significance will become increasingly prominent as time passes by. Secondly, China makes an unremitting endeavor to promote peace and development of the world, to which China devotes most of her subjective willingness throughout the 70 years. Thirdly, China shoulders her responsibility as a major power in global governance and in the reform of governance system, which makes the highlight of her contribution to the world in the new era. In the fourth place, China paves a new way for the world socialist career, which is of a more far-reaching historical significance, because it is related to the development law of human society. Last but not least, China contributes her wisdom to the progress of human civilization, both consciously and unconsciously.
Xi Jinping's Concepts on Global Governance
JIN Canrong,SHI Yusong
2019, 27(10): 10-20  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 328 )
At present, with the evolution of the world political and economic landscape, the developed countries led by the US forfeit the “willingness” to participate in global governance, losing their “ability” to lead global governance in the meanwhile. As a result, the process of globalization is encountering considerable obstacles, and the process of cooperation among countries in dealing with global issues is slowing down. Under such circumstances, global governance needs to be injected with a new impetus. In this case, President Xi took the opportunity to put forward the concept of global governance in a pioneering and historic way. Xi Jinping's concepts on global governance are in sharp contrast with the traditional and gradually failed Western global governance system at 4 levels. It always complies with the basic framework of the United Nations, takes the common development as the basic path, adopts the general attitude of equality and inclusiveness, and always holds on to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs as the bottom line. The formation of such concepts has made great theoretical contributions to and far-reaching historical influence on promoting world peace and development, propelling appropriate global governance, enriching and developing the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Trends and Prospects of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy
2019, 27(10): 21-30  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 417 )

 America's geopolitical cognition of “Indo-Pacific” has gone through a long period, while the issuance of Indo-Pacific Strategy by the Trump administration seems to be a little hasty, which results from, to a large degree, the joint efforts of American Establishment and allies such as Japan and Australia. From the perspective of strategic design, although the US issued the Indo-Pacific Strategy Report, the concept of India-Pacific Strategy has yet to be fully formed. It mainly reflects the demands of the US in this region and demonstrates a trend and direction. The core issue is that as the Indo-Pacific region becomes more important, the US hopes to maintain and expand its military, diplomatic, economic and cultural advantages in the region, with the aim to better curb China's rise at sea and increase of regional influence. In terms of progress and potential of America's Indo-Pacific Strategy, the developments of its main pillars of military, economic and cultural values are not balanced. The military strength of the US stands out, while progress in other areas is relatively slow. A comprehensive assessment shows that the Indo-Pacific strategy of the US still faces many challenges. In which, the biggest problem is the lack of feasible path and reliable resource support. There is a long way to go before the strategy witnesses a complete implementation. However, even if partially realized, the strategy would pose a serious threat to China's national security and surrounding  environment.

Cooperation in Deep Sea Mining between China and Pacific Island Countries under the Framework of Maritime Silk Road
ZHAO Yexin
2019, 27(10): 31-46  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 365 )

The South Pacific is an important extension of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It is supposed to be a strategic choice to strengthen cooperation in deep sea mining with Pacific Island Countries. In the first place, the paper analyzes in detail reasons to enhance cooperation in deep sea mining between China and the Pacific island countries. Secondly, the paper makes a comprehensive exploration into challenges from scientific, technical, economic, environmental and political perspectives. In the end, the paper proposes targeted approaches and policies to guarantee effective cooperation, such as strengthening highlevel communications, building cooperative partners, deepening scientific research cooperation, participating in environmental governance, following sound commercial principles and making full use of international law. In conclusion, presently, it is a good choice to cooperate with the pacific island countries in deep sea mining.

Coordination of International and Domestic Rules: China's Participation in Global Economic Governance in the Past Seventy Years Hot!
ZHAO Longyue
2019, 27(10): 47-62  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 367 )

The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Over the past seven decades, China, on the one hand, has experienced a historic change from a closed and semi-closed economy into a fully open economy. China has been actively participating in the economic globalization, playing the due role in contributing to the common development of mankind. On the other hand, China, in order to promote reforms of the global governance system, has been actively making efforts to establish an open world economy and to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Therefore, China is gradually moving towards the center of the world stage, playing an indispensable role in global economic governance. From the perspective of the coordination of international and domestic rules, the paper divides the process of China's participation in global economic governance in the past seventy years into four phases: to explore, to introduce, to study and apply, and to lead and make international rules. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has carried out a comprehensive review of the situations both domestic and abroad. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, China, with great passion, is participating in and leading the reform and construction of the global governance system, making the economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. In the context that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, China, with the aim to build a community with a shared future for humankind, shall utilize the Belt and Road Initiative as an effective path to make great breakthroughs by improving multilateral system within the WTO framework. By taking these measures, China will be able to enhance the coordination of domestic and international rules in all aspects and therefore strengthening its capacity for effective participation in global economic governance.

From Quantitive to Qualitative Change? An Analysis of Trade Potentiality between China and the Other BRICS Countries
SHI Peiran
2019, 27(10): 63-77  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 328 )

 It has been 10 years since the founding of the BRICS cooperation mechanism. The importance of the BRICS countries in the global goods trade has been increasing, and the active intraregional trade among BRICS countries has further deepened the trade connectivity and intensity of all members. Based on the BACI database, the paper makes a shiftshare analysis and builds the trade potential matrix between China and the other BRICS countries at the product level. The results show that although the BRICS countries’ export products to China are highly concentrated, the BRICS countries have great potential in exports to China. Those products characterized by “positive advantage” and “positive potential” make up the major part of exported products from BRICS countries to China, and resource products, as well as medi and hightech products, have the greatest export potential. With the development of the BRICS mechanism, the BRICS countries are expected to achieve more diversified bilateral trade with higher added value through more indepth policy and technical cooperation, as well as institutional trade arrangement.

Theoretical Foundations and General Means for Value Realization of Ecological Products Hot!
2019, 27(10): 78-91  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (0 KB)  ( 332 )

The value realization of ecological products identifies the process that transfers ecosystem services into economic value by means of market trade or government management, which directly embodies the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. The theoretical foundations for value realization of ecological products are systemically explored in the paper. The ecological products are divided into two categories of physical products and cultural tourism services, as well as general ecosystem services. The means for value realization of the two categories are respectively discussed. Finally,the paper proposes the necessary conditions of market trade and government management for the value realization of ecological products.

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